Waialua Pineapple Soda 12oz

Brand: Soda Pop Shop

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Waialua Pineapple Soda

Pineapple growing and soda bottling both have a history in the tiny town of Waialua, a fortuitous note for the new Waialua Soda Works. The company's lead-off product merges those two legacies: pineapple soda, bottled in glass.

Waialua Soda Works is a one-couple operation, based in modest quarters -- a single room rented from Harvey's Repair, an old gas station on the road leading into Waialua.

The Campbells do everything, from mixing the brew, siphoning it into clear bottles that they sterilize themselves, all the way through packing, delivery and sales. Production stands at 18 to 21 cases a week -- in the neighborhood of 500 bottles -- their limit.

But new equipment is on the way that will let them produce 700 bottles an hour. "I sold my house in Texas," Jason says. "I bet the farm on this one." The Campbells are reviving a local soda-bottling tradition that goes back more than 100 years.